I recently got to meet one of my biggest inspirations when it comes to social media and Instagram. Andrew Bacon from Field Treasure Designs has been a guy I’ve been following since the early days of Fix This Build That…he’s the tall one on the right.
Andrew runs FieldTreasureDesigns.com as a side business where he and his wife, Brooke, are “Uncovering an Old Love with Solid Goods”. He makes state/continent/animal wooden prints, pallet clocks, desks, and now candles. Oh, and he makes amazing t-shirts that I might be a little addicted with (I have 3 of them now).
I found Andrew on Instagram (@fieldtreasuredesigns) and loved his content, his products and most importantly his character and personality. We began connecting online, then offline through texts and a few phone calls.
Well, we finally got to meet in person while he was in town for some travel he was doing for work. We grabbed some Chipotle for dinner (I knew he was a good dude as soon as he was down for a burrito) and then came back to my shop and sat down and did a Periscope Q&A session. Andrew loves taking pictures by the way…
The video was too poor as recorded by my front facing camera, so uploading to YouTube was out of the question. So instead you get to listen to us Podcast style. Now I’m surely not making any promises here, but we had so much fun doing this we just might have to make a few more. We were reading questions and comments off the screen on Periscope, so if some of it doesn’t make sense, just know we aren’t crazy…well, not too crazy.
Now sit back and enjoy Andrew and I talking about everything from social media, keeping momentum in your business, our favorite tools under $20, and why Andrew puts green jelly in his hair. Just use the SoundCloud player below to play the clip.
And let us know if you enjoy it. Maybe we’ll make more…
Rock on dude! It was a great time. First of many, I’m sure!